Accent Group announces new Chief Executive Officer

We're delighted to announce that following a significant recruitment campaign Nick Apetroaie will join the organisation as the new Chief Executive Officer, effective from 1 November.

The news comes three months after Paul Dolan left Accent to take up the Chief Executive Officer role at Riverside Group. Following a significant recruitment campaign, this strategic appointment is poised to accelerate the association’s ambitions set out in its newly launched corporate strategy ‘Building on Strong Foundations’.

Nick joins Accent with an impressive track record in the housing sector, encompassing over 15 years of leadership experience across both public and private entities. Nick is currently serving as CEO of Habinteg where he has helped the organisation transform its tenant engagement approach, built a strong customer centric culture, accelerated investment in current homes as well as restarting Habinteg’s development programme, and increased Habinteg’s impact at local and national level on the accessibility and inclusivity agenda. Previously, Nick held leadership roles at Viridian, Optivo and RNIB where he spearheaded transformative initiatives that significantly enhanced customer experience and organisational culture.

Speaking of the appointment, Accent Group Chair, Tom Miskell said: “Nick is an exemplary leader whose strategic vision and expertise, strong values and customer focus align perfectly with our own.”

“Under his lead and alongside our senior leadership team, we’re confident of continued advancements in our operations and the further strengthening of our commitment to collaborate with our customers to provide quality, lasting housing solutions.”

“In the role of CEO, Nick will be instrumental in steering the strategic direction of Accent through the implementation of our new corporate strategy, building on the strong legacy left behind by Paul. With an energised and highly experienced leadership team, I am confident that the foundations in place, together with our continued strong governance and financial footing, will continue to guide us toward success.”

“The Board and I would like to extend our gratitude to Sarah Ireland’s committed stewardship and leadership of the organisation since Paul’s departure.”

Speaking of his appointment, Nick comments: “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to become Accent's next CEO and look forward to joining the organisation in November."

“Over the years, I have admired the excellent work that Accent colleagues have been doing to improve the lives of customers and the communities where it operates. My vision is to build on the strong foundation that already exists, creating an exemplary organisation that enhances the values Accent stands for: Smart, Driven, Caring, and Inclusive. This, in turn, will enable us to deliver the best possible service to our current and future customers.”

Elleanor Southwood MBE, Habinteg Chair, comments: “Nick has made an enormous contribution to Habinteg during his three years’ with us. We are sad to see him go, but he is leaving us in a strong position for the future. We are putting in place interim leadership arrangements and we have every confidence that the executive team will provide stability and continue to positively deliver for our customers during this transition. I am sure that Nick will be a great asset to Accent and will take a deep understanding of the importance of accessible and adaptable homes to his new role.”

A period of handover between Nick and Sarah will ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities in the coming months.

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