Accent launches new Customer Engagement Strategy

As a direct result of customer feedback, and in line with our desire to further collaborate with customers on our services, we have launched a brand new Customer Engagement Strategy.

This strategy sets out our commitment to gather and act on customer feedback to drive service improvements. We understand that true customer engagement is an ongoing relationship built on trust, transparency, and a shared commitment to customer and community wellbeing. Our new strategic approach to customer engagement sets out a number of key objectives, with the overall aim of empowering our customers to have two-way conversations with us, co-design how our services are delivered and shape Accent’s direction.

This new strategy signals a fresh promise to listen, understand, and act on the needs and aspirations of our customers – and to build a more responsive, trusted, and collaborative relationship.

Our strategy sets out a clear path to strengthen our engagement with customers and ensure that all voices influence key decisions, service design, and improvements at every level.

Some key priorities of the new strategy include:

  • Listening and Acting on Customer Voice: Our strategy reinforces the principle that customers’ voices must be heard and acted upon. Through a range of engagement activities - from face-to-face interactions to digital platforms - Accent is committed to ensuring that every customer has the opportunity to share their feedback, concerns, and ideas. Our customers are key partners in shaping service delivery, and their insights will inform both operational decisions and strategic planning.
  • Building Trust and Transparency: A major focus of the strategy is building trusted relationships with our customers. We will be transparent in how decisions are made, communicate openly about performance, and always aim to ‘close the loop’ by showing customers how their input has directly influenced positive changes. Our commitment to trust and accountability is key to ensuring long-term engagement and satisfaction.
  • Empowering Customers to Influence Services: Our new strategy goes beyond simple feedback collection - it’s about empowering customers to take an active role in shaping Accent’s services. We will provide opportunities for customers to participate in service design, scrutiny, and decision-making processes, creating a genuine partnership where their ideas lead to real, tangible improvements. This approach promotes a culture of co-design and collaboration, where customers are an integral part of the journey.
  • Strengthening Communities: The strategy emphasises the importance of community cohesion and creating opportunities for customers to get involved in their local areas. We aim to foster stronger community bonds, encouraging residents to engage in local decision-making and activities that support sustainability and social inclusion. This will not only enhance customer satisfaction but also create resilient, thriving communities.
  • Innovating Engagement Channels: To make engagement more accessible, we are expanding and improving the ways customers can interact with us. Digital transformation will play a big part, with enhanced online platforms for easier communication, as well as new ways to engage at times and places that work best for our customers. Whether through in-person events, online tools, or targeted surveys, we are committed to offering flexible, meaningful engagement that meets the diverse needs of our customers.

We’ll be out talking to customers about this new strategy at our Big Conversation events on 1st and 4th November, so keep an ear open for a knock on your door from members of our team. 

Read more about our new Customer Engagement Strategy

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