Accent's commitment to community cohesion amid recent unrest

A message from our CEO.

Colleagues at Accent are deeply saddened and shocked by the recent unrest and racist violence that has been seen across the country since the heartbreaking events in Southport last week. We want our communities to be a beacon of respect, inclusivity and diversity and we are resolute in our commitment to drive and enable community cohesion. We take an absolute zero tolerance approach to hate crimes. Racism and prejudice towards minority groups undermine the very purpose of our work or risk the safety and wellbeing of our customers and colleagues, and so such actions and attitudes have no place in our communities. We will take action against any perpetrators as described in our ASB and Hate Crime Policy.

We know the ongoing unrest is causing many colleagues and customers to worry and fear for their safety. We want to provide assurance that our teams are equipped to support you. We are working closely with our community partners and local police to constantly monitor the situation and will take the appropriate action needed to keep our communities safe.

If you are a victim of criminal activity or see evidence of it, please report directly to the police. If you’ve been affected directly and need support, please report it to us so we can help. If you feel unsafe or threatened in any way, please get in touch with us. 

We believe in the power of diverse communities, and we will continue to work together to support those who are most at risk and overcome the challenges we currently face.

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