Partnership working helps deliver 39 new affordable homes for East Cambridgeshire village

Accent Housing will soon commence construction on 39 new affordable homes in Little Downham. This scheme is a rural exception site adjacent to Accent’s recently completed scheme at Old Fir Close and will provide a combination of shared ownership and affordable rent houses, flats and bungalows. Priority will be given to those with a local connection to the area, providing vital affordable housing for the community.

Built with construction partner Lindum Group, the scheme will deliver 39 new affordable homes; 30 for affordable rent and 9 for shared ownership.  All homes are forecasted to achieve the highest EPC rating of ‘A’, therefore helping our customers to keep the cost of energy as low as possible.

This scheme is part-funded through Accent’s Strategic Partnership with Homes England.

This new development has been the work of true collaboration and partnership. The team at Accent have worked with the local Parish Council throughout the planning process, bringing invaluable input. The Chair commented, “The Parish Council will work with Accent Housing to maintain an oversight of its new affordable development in the village and to ensure these houses benefit our community by providing, as a priority, homes to people in Little Downham who need a home of their own in the village. We look forward to seeing the homes built and doing all we can to help Accent Housing ensure the scheme fulfils the aspirations of our local residents."

Cllr Anna Bailey, East Cambridgeshire District Council, said “As Leader of the Council and local member for Little Downham I have championed these homes being made available to those who have the strongest local connections to the area.  I am pleased therefore that Accent, working with the Council, has committed to ensuring that these new homes will be available to those who live and/or work locally. The Parish and District Council will work with Accent when the scheme is further progressed to advertise the homes and make sure that this happens.”

Cambridgeshire ACRE’s Chief Executive, Hayley Neal, said “Cambridgeshire ACRE is pleased to have played a part in bringing these 39 new affordable homes to Little Downham. Affordable homes are about more than houses for those in need: affordable homes prioritised for people with a connection to the parish can help to sustain the community. Retaining young families in the village can be the difference between local services surviving or closing. Our role in undertaking a housing needs survey and facilitating face-to-face consultation with the community has allowed Accent to design a scheme that will provide the homes that local people need and in a way that fits with the wider rural landscape of the village.”

Steve Angus, Commercial Director at Lindum Group, added “"We're really pleased to be working with Accent again to deliver this second phase of housing for the community of Little Downham. The success of phase one, which was delivered during the pandemic, has demonstrated the need for good quality, affordable homes in this area and I'm sure these new properties will prove just as welcome. Lindum has a great working relationship with Accent and our on-going scheme at nearby Bottisham is progressing very well. We look forward to starting on site in Little Downham in early November."

Work is due to start on site in November, with completion estimated by summer 2026.


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