Meet Accent’s Senior Leadership Team | Accent

The Senior Leadership Team works with our Executive Team and colleagues across the organisation to:

  • scan the operating environment and horizon to ensure that the business is fully aware of the current and future operating environment
  • create and deliver a three-year corporate strategy with associated performance measures and targets
  • create and deliver annual operational plans directly linked to corporate strategy priorities
  • contribute to the appraisal of budgets and resource requirements prioritising corporate priorities across the business
  • ensure appropriate and consistent management and business controls are in place and key strategic and operational risks are identified and managed

Who's on our Senior Leadership Team?

Nick Apetroaie Chief Executive Officer

Julie Wittich Chief Operating Officer

James Anderson Chief Information Officer

Kirsty Spark Executive Director, Finance and Business Services 

Sarah Ireland Executive Director, Strategy & Growth

Debbie Hinbest Director of People

Alex Liburd Director of Assets and Compliance

Jonathan Place Director of Customer Relations

Kate Elder Director of Governance, Regulation and Business Assurance

Sion Harrison Interim Director of Technology

Rob Bloom Director of Sales & Homeownership

Monika Liskiewicz Director of Financial Resources

Louise Graham-Smith Director of Housing Services

Steve Morris Director of Development

Jacob Gibbons Head of Health and Safety and Facilities (Health and Safety lead for Accent)

Stacey Healey Head of Communications and Public Affairs

James French Head of Business Transformation