Many residents like to make improvements to their homes and in the majority of cases we're happy for them to do so.

However, you must contact us to discuss your plans before making improvements to your home.

You can use this form to tell us what work you want to do, and we will confirm in writing whether you can go ahead. Please wait for our agreement before carrying out any work or purchasing materials.

Once you have our agreement it is likely that we will visit you to inspect the work to make sure it is done correctly. You will also need to agree with certain conditions before permission is granted. Should you have any questions or queries that require an immediate response, or need help completing this form, please contact your Housing Partner.

Home Improvements Application Form for Tenants

Your details

Details of the alteration

Please use this section to give as much information about the location of the work, and as detailed a description as possible.

Select all that apply.
Please provide more information about which part of your home will be affected


If applicable, please send copies of improvement plans, survey reports and any permissions granted on email to

If you have not acquired planning permission you need to contact your Local Planning Office to confirm if it is required.

Who will be carrying out the work

Please specify relevant qualification such as GAS SAFE or NICEIC

Timescale and cost

Please keep all receipts in case you're entitled to end-of-tenancy compensation for the improvements


We will use the information you give us to assess and process your application. Details of the application will be saved to your records.

If you would like to know more about how we collect and use your personal information, your information rights, and how to contact us if you have any concerns, please see our Privacy Notice.

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