How much is my rent?
How much rent you pay depends on the size of your home and where you live. If you’re not sure how much your rent costs, check your charge notification booklet or log in to MyAccount.
You can also ask your housing partner or specialist housing partner, or by filling in the form on our Contact us page.
How do I pay my rent and service charges?
There are lots of ways you can pay rent. For more information on how to pay your rent and service charges, take a look at ways you can pay on our rent and charges page.
Will my rent change?
Your rent may change every year.
If it does change, we’ll let you know by how much at least one month in advance.
How do you calculate my rent?
To calculate our rents, we follow specific guidance according to the type of rent you pay.
Most of our tenants pay a social or affordable rent.
The government gives us permission to increase these rents every year using a formula based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the previous September, plus an extra 1%.
If you pay social rent, you have to pay service charges in addition to the rent you pay. If you pay affordable rent, service charges are included in your rent.
How is the CPI calculated?
The Office for National Statistics calculates the CPI by recording the prices of everyday items and services in what is known as a ‘basket of goods.’ They look at how much these prices have risen since the same date in the past year and publish a CPI figure each month.
Tenants paying a secure or fair rent have their rent amount decided by a rent officer at the Government’s Valuation Office Agency.
As with social rent, you also need to pay any service charges in addition to your rent.
Other types of rent include intermediate market rent and market rent – these rents are increased based on the specific terms set out in your tenancy agreement.
Service charges for intermediate market and market rent are included in your rent.